This is not a 911 or emergency reporting site. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you are seeing an incident in progress, or have been a victim of a safety or security incident, call 911 immediately.
At Southside VA Community College, we are dedicated to our students’ success and their emotional and physical well-being. In order to provide the best learning environment, SVCC has implemented the TIPS Incident Reporting and Prevention Platform.
If you have a concern about something you’ve observed or heard that may impact the safety of our environment or that may disrupt the delivery of our educational process, we encourage you to fill out a report form. After receiving the report, a group of dedicated professionals from across our campuses will review the information and determine what course of action may be appropriate.
While anonymous reporting is an option, please be aware that should you wish to remain anonymous we cannot provide you a follow-up. Therefore, some form of contact information is beneficial and highly encouraged. We appreciate your concern and willingness to help us provide a safe and pleasant learning environment for our students and community.
To begin, please select your location and incident type.